
ISO 13485:2012 for the Medical Device Industry Customer Testimonials

Introduction to ISO 13485:2012 Quality Standard for the Medical Device Industry

“Course was clearly presented and explained reasons for ISO 13485; workshops made the course enjoyable. Tutor was very good and explained things by using his own experiences; very knowledgeable with good presentation skills and open to questions throughout course. Excellent!” Magstim

“Course was very well explained by a highly experienced course leader” Magstim

“Course related to real life processes and was interesting. A good instructor, very friendly and knowledgeable, giving a thorough and clear presentation.” Pearsalls Ltd

“Good helpful communication from first contact. Tutor was knowledgeable and enthusiastic. Good communication throughout!” Poulten & Graf Ltd

“The most useful parts of the course were the detail of the standard and how it relates to our processes. Tutor was very well prepared and had a lot of background knowledge.” Twist DX

Internal Auditor Training for the Medical Device Industry

“Excellent. Course tutor was efficient in delivering course subject and giving practical knowledge. Course seemed very comprehensive.” Stanmore Implants Worldwide Ltd (Internal Auditor Training)

Risk Analysis for Medical Devices

“The course was very thorough and of relevance. Tutor was very good, friendly and knowledgeable” Magstim

FMEA for Medical Devices

“Workshops were very useful. Tutor very knowledgeable and approachable. Excellent!” Magstim